
again this weird desire to die.
I am sick.

я не могу больше пить. меня просто выносит от пары бокалов вина.
а так - корпоратив вышел неплохой.

uuugh I am a bit tired...
You wouldn't believe it but I've a kind of CHRISTMAS ROUTINE! Celebrated it yesterday (total failure!), celebrated today (success), gonna celebrate on Monday, that will be the last group of students.
I love them students anyway.

скоро НГ.
студенты устали. мы тоже.
надо устраивать Christmas, хоть что-то, из последних сил.


Here I go

this diary's not the first one. I am LJ-addicted in fact.
but this time I'm gonna write about work mostly. both in English and Russian, it's up to me to decide when to switch the mode.
need no readers. It's just that I like diaries.
not sure whether there will be many entries or just a few.

so... I am a f*cking teacher of GUESS WHAT. not a school teacher. work at a uni.
I am rather green I'd say, but I love my job dearly most of the time, except for Saturdays maybe.

p.s. a very special day. remarkable. not a good one for me ((((